Zainir, M.Pd
Abstract: The objective of this research is to know the effect of supervision and organization climate to work effectiveness of teacher at a junior high scholl in East Bekasi. The Data were collected through participant on using the survey method. Framed population of this research are 200. Based on Slovin's formula, there are 139 samples roomates are taken by simple random sampling.The the data of each variable are gotten by instrument namely questionare. It is processed by the regression and correlation analytical technique to describe the correlation among the variables. The analysis and interpretation of data indicates that (1) supervision have positive direct effect to work effectiveness, (2) organization climate have direct positive effects to work effectiveness, (3) supervision have positive direct effect to climate organization. On the basis of this findings can conclude that good supervision and organization climate were effect to Increased work of teacher effectiveness.
Key words: Supervision, organization climate, work effectiveness
INTRODUCTIONIndependence has been achieved with the sacrifice of body and soul by the heroes of independence would be meaningless if it is not filled with the construction, the Indonesian people want independence because this nation can not stand living under occupation suffered, from the independence of the Indonesian people aspire society fair and prosperous, it certainly will not be realized if we do not have the human resources (HR) and adequate human resources (HR) can only be achieved through education. Efektifitivitas work is closely related to work environment, work environment as a neat organizational structure, working relationships between members of an organized, comfortable working environment and the fulfillment of physical and material needs will improve the effectiveness of the work, either neat organization, working relationships between members of the organized, comfortable working environment and the fulfillment of physical and material needs are organizational climate factors, factors other than the effectiveness of the supervision of the teacher is influenced by factors, such as schedule regular supervision and supervision materials, such as supervision Regarding making the annual program and semester program, the criteria minimum provisions (KKM) lesson plans, writing about, making analysis, remedial programs and improvement of teacher performance. The government has a lot of trying to increase the quality of education such as the inclusion of 20% of the education budget in the national budget and curriculum improvement as bebasis Curriculum Competencies and implementation of national exams all intended to improve the quality of the business, but it has not shown satisfactory results.Therefore, teachers need to get serious attention from the principal, so that teachers can carry out their duties effectively so that it can make a significant contribution to the output quality education. In the framework of the interests, needs and expectations of teachers need to be accommodated. Teachers practice classroom learning time and energy is consumed to carry out tasks in the classroom because the teacher is often left behind with the development of science, especially science education is always a good growing material, the method of, media and evaluation techniques, the teacher needs to get help from various parties, especially those directly related to educational supervision.The school principal has the responsibility in the smooth administration of the educational process and school activities, the school principal is also responsible for overseeing, developing and motivating the work of teachers and other employees as a form peranya as supervisor. Hence the principal is obliged to sustainable development with a focused and systematic program for teachers and education personnel are there at school. Coaching program educators and personnel supervision kepandidikan known for a series of education in educational administration.Departing from the above description, the authors were motivated to raise the issue of supervision and organizational climate influence the effectiveness of public school teachers in Bekasi. This study focused on the effectiveness of teachers' work by examining the factors that influence the effectiveness of the work allegedly carrying out the main task of teachers in the school. SMP place in the existing research in the area of ​​East Bekasi Bekasi District.

Work EffectivenessSchermerhorn (2011:14) states the following effectiveness, "the definitions of an effective manager focuses attentions on two key outcomes, or dependent variables, that are important inorganizational behavior. The first task is the performance outcomes, you can think of it as the quality and kuantity of the workproduced or the service provided by an individual, team orworkunit, or organization as a whole. The secon outcomes is jobsatisfaction. It indicates how people feel about their work andthework setting ". Definition of an effective manager focuses attention on two key outcomes, or dependent variable, which is important in organizational behavior. The first result is a performance, you can take it as the quality and quantity of work produced or services provided by the individual unit, team or work, or the organization as a whole. The second result is the satisfaction, the work shows how people feel satisfied about their jobs and work environment. Richard H. Hall (2002:258) states, "organizational efektiveness will REMAIN the major concern for organizational practitionners and analysts. Ignoring the Contradictions will not advance knowledge or practice. Ignoring the fact that certain factors exist beyond organizational control or that are only manipulable Potentially will also not Contribute to theory or practice ". Organizational effectiveness will remain a major concern for practitioners and analyst organization. Ignoring contradictions will not add to the advancement of knowledge or practice. Ignoring the fact that there are certain factors control excessive or organizations that could potentially be manipulated not only will contribute to theory and practice.According to Ivancevich, Konopaske and Matterson (2008:523) effectiveness, "effectiveness is in the contex of organization behavior, effectiveness Refers to the optimal relationship among five components: productivity, efficiency, satisfaction, Adaptiveness, and development". Effectiveness is part of organizational behavior. Effectiveness is pleased about the optimal relationship between the five components, namely: productivitas, efficiency, satisfaction, adaptability (adapt) and development. Meanwhile, Richard L. Daft (2010:7) states, "is the degree to efectiveness roomates the organization Achieves a stated goal, or Succeeds in accomplishing what it Tries to do". Effectiveness is the degree to which organizations achieve the expected goals, or completing what should be done. According to Gibson, Ivancevich (2006:14), the concept of effectiveness is the levels of processes within an organization "The basic level, individual effectiveness, emphasizes the performance of specific tasks or members in the organization". The most basic level is a sensitized individual effectiveness in the performance of a particular employee or a particular organization. The second level is the effectiveness of group effekctivinees the amount of the contributions of all members working together and the third level is the effectiveness of the organization (organizational effectivitivenees). Bersarkan above description can disentesiskan effectiveness of work is success in completion of the work with indicators; utilization right time, high working creativity, execution of work according to the rules and appropriate work standards that have been set.
SupervisionCarlene Cassidy and Robert Kreiter (2010:4) states, "supervisiors essential to any organization that depens on people to Achieve succes". Supervision is the part that we can not disconnect from the team management and process management, in other words all management functions can not be separated from the activities of supervision. Furthermore Carlene Cassidy and Robert Kreitner 92010:4) explains, "the supervisor is any individual having authority, in the interest of the employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, rewerd, or other disipline employees, or responsibility to direct them, or to adjust their prievences, or effectifely to recommend such authority is not of a routine or with the foregoing the exercise of such authority is not of a routine or clericle nature, but requires the use of independent judgment ". Supervisors are some individuals who have the authority, concern for employees, wages or salary, change, suspend, lay off, recall, raised position, firing, lifting employees, reward, discipline the employee assessment, or receive a complaint, or recommending effective activities. By Thomas J Sergiovanni & Robert J Starrat (2002:5), "formal principals and other supervisors, therfor, have two board respossibility: (1) To provide the most effektive they can fer teacher supervision and (2) To provide the condotions, help and support teachers need to engage in thesupervisory functions for Themselves as part of their daily routine. " Supervisors and other formal supervisors have two responsibilities are very broad (1) provide the most effective surveillance system for teachers. (2) provide the conditions, assistance and support to teachers to implement the function as part of their regular duties.While Peter Burke (2005:20), supervision, "supervision is instructional leadership perspectives that relates to behavior, clarifies purposes, contributes to and supports organizational actions, coordinates interactions, provides for maintenence and improv-men of the instructional program, and assesses goal achievements. Supervision is an instructional leadership perapektif related to behavior, explain the purpose, contribute to and support the actions of the organization, coordination interactions, provide maintenance and improvement of learning programs, and to assess the achievement of objectives. Sergiovani and starratt (2002:6), emphasizes that, "the purpose of supervision is to help increase of the opportunity and thecapacity of more schools to Contribute Effectively to students academic success". Supervision carried out premises and goals to help increase the chances of school capacity in achieving academic success of students. Supervision is a process undertaken by the principal who has responsibility for aspects of school goals to assist them in achieving that goal.Harris (2011:20) explicitly identifies supervisor in ten types, "developing curriculum (curriculum elaborated), organizing for instruction (organizing learning), providing staff (staffing), providing facilities (facilities), providing materials (supply of materials) , arrangging for inservice sducation (providing internal education), orienting staff members (staff member orientation), Relating pupil special services (providing special services to students), developing public relations) to develop public relations), and evaluating instruction (evaluating learning). Supervision contains several main activities on efforts to increase the ability, problem solving assistance services, the provision of facilities which leads to increased achievement. In order to improve individual performance (improving individual job performance), supervision is one of the organization / work group / team to watch. In providing assistance, need to provide consultation, discussion and assist in solving the problem by providing a time as a consultant for the completion of the problems of conflicts between individuals or groups, a lightweight personal difficulties, imbalance tasks associated with job dissatisfaction.Bersarkan above description can disentesiskan coaching supervision is a series of activities to improve the execution of tasks that are marked with an indicator; assess the work, directing repairs, monitor task execution, providing working facilities, provide guidance and help improve skills.

Organizational climateOrganizational climate according to Furnham (1997:580), "organizational climate has been defined as a set of characteristics that describe an organization and that (a) distinguish it from ather Organizations, (b) are relatively enduring over time, and (c) influence the behavior of people in the organization ". Organization climate is a concept used to give an idea of ​​the configuration of the attitudes and perceptions of organizational members, in combination, reflect an important part of the context in which they are a part of the organization for which they work. Lunenburg and Ornstein (1991:74) argues, "organizational climate is the total environmental quality within an organization. Organizational climate can be Expressed by such adjectives as open, bustling, warm, easygoing, informal, cold, impersonal, hostile, rigid, and closed. Organizational climate is the total environmental quality within an organization. Organizational climate can be expressed with adjectives such as an open, lively, relaxed, informal, cold, impersonal, hostile, rigid and closed. Organizational climate proposed by Stephen P Robbins and Timothy A Judge (2011:558), "organizational climate is the shared perceptions of organizational members have about their organizational and work environment". Shared perceptions of organizational climate is owned by members of the organization about the organization and their environment. Understanding of written rules, customs and bureaucracy in doing work in performing tasks, work environment and limit the authority of the work is within the scope of the organizational climate.Based on the above description may disentesiskan that organizational climate is the atmosphere that can guide the behavior of its members in the organization to carry out the activity indicators: responsibility, organization standards, rewards, support, openness.
METHODResearch using a survey method with the approach path analysis techniques. This study was conducted four months of the month in January through April 2012. The experiment was conducted at the Junior High School located in the subdistrict of East Bekasi Bekasi. Affordable this study population of 200 teachers. Sebayak study sample of 139 people.

Effect of Supervision on Work EffectivenessResults of simple correlation analysis between creativity and productivity obtained correlation coefficient of 0.635 (R31 = 0.635). The coefficient of determination (R312) is 0.403. Thus influence the effectiveness of supervision of work is very high and positive, meaning that the better supervision, the higher the expected level of teacher effectiveness.Associated with theories about the influence of the effectiveness of supervision as stated by Carlene Cassidy and Robert Kreitner (2010:4), "supervision are essential to any organization that depens on people to Achieve succes". Supervision is an important thing for the organization, which is required by the person or members of the organization to achieve success. By Richard L Daft relationship between resourse (human resources), fungtion management (management functions) and performance (results or achievements).
From the above discussion, there is a positive influence on the effectiveness of supervision of the work of teachers. The better supervision given to the teacher, the higher the effectiveness of the work accomplished.
Effect of Organizational Climate on Work EffectivenessResults of simple correlation analysis between achievement motivation and productivity obtained correlation coefficient of 0.629 (r32 = 0.629). The coefficient of determination (R312) is 0.396. Thus the influence of organizational climate on the effectiveness of work is very high and positive. The better the organizational climate are expected higher the level of teacher effectiveness kerjs.Associated with theories about the influence of organizational climate on the effectiveness of the work, as stated by Stephen L McShane and Mary Ann Von Glinow (2010:9), "studies have found only a modestly relationship between strength and organizational effectiveness cultur Because three contingencies need to be Considered : (1) Whether the cultur contentt is aligned with the enviornment, (2) Whether the cultur is not to strong that it Becomes cultlike, and (3) the cultur wheteher incorporates an adaptive culture ". Of studies found a positive relationship between the strength and effectiveness of the organization's culture, because there are three possibilities to consider: (1) whether the value of culture in harmony with their environment, (2) whether the culture is not strong enough to be the idol or idols, (3) whether the corporate culture is an adaptive culture or cultures that accommodate all the needs of the employees. Of the three basic statements are no indications that the climate affect the effectiveness of the organization.On the basis of these descriptions, there is a positive effect of organizational climate on work effectiveness. In other words, the better the organizational climate, the higher the effectiveness of the work accomplished.
Effect of Supervision on Organizational ClimateResults of simple correlation analysis between organizational climate supervision with correlation coefficient of 0.570 (R21 = 0.570). The coefficient of determination (r212) is 0.324. Thus the effect of supervision on organizational climate is very high and positive. The better supervision is expected to better the organizational climate.Associated with the theory of supervision influence the organizational climate as stated by K. According B. Everard, Geoffrey Morris, Ian Wilson (2004:161), "there have been many studies of the organizational effectiveness of schools and in major survey of 719 factors were found to be associated with effectiveness. These have been reduced to eleven salient factors: (1) proffesional leadership, (2) shared vision and goals, (3) a learning environment, (4) concentration on learning and teaching, (5) high expectation, (6) positive reinforcement , (7) monitoring progress; (8) pupil rights and responsibilities; (9) purposeful teaching; (10) a learning organization; (11) home-school partnership ". There are many studies on the effectiveness of the school and the organization of the survey there are 719 factors found to be associated with effectiveness. Having reduced found eleven important factors, namely: (1) professional leadership, (2) inform the vision and objectives, (3) learning environment, (4) konsntrasi or an emphasis on teaching and learning, (5) high expectations, (6) positive reinforcement , (7) monitoring progress; (8) student rights and responsibilities; (9) meaningful learning; (10) a learning organization; (11) partnership between home and school. From the above discussion, there is a positive effect of organizational climate supervision. Means the better supervision given, the better the climate oragnisasinya.

Conclusion. Based on the analysis and study of this research can be concluded that:1. Supervision of a positive direct effect on the effectiveness of junior high school teachers working in the district of Bekasi Timur, Bekasi. That is, the improvements will increase the effectiveness of supervision of teachers.2. Organizational climate has a positive effect on the effectiveness of teachers' work directly Junior High School in the District of Bekasi Timur, Bekasi. That is, the improvement of organizational climate will improve teacher effectiveness.3. Direct supervision of a positive effect of organizational climate schools in the District Junior High School East Bekasi Bekasi. That is, peningakatan supervision will improve school organizational climate.
Suggestions. From the results of the above conclusions can be suggested as follows:1. Suggestions for principals: (1) presented in implementing more intensive supervision programs for teachers, (2) improve the ability of carrying out supervision especially academic supervision to the teacher, (3) implementing efforts to improve the effectiveness of work-based organizational climate and organizational climate improvement melakuakan seeks not only in the form of the creation of a sense of family, but also about other conditions which may encourage the spirit and motivation of teachers.2. Suggestions for teachers: (1) pay attention to the principal supervision program as penigkatan media knowledge and work skills, (2) trying menunujukkan best to achieve improved performance and career development in the work, (3) receive awards as pep work in performing each task and responsibility.3. Suggestions for further research: (1) needs to be other factors beyond suprvisi and organizational climate affect the effectiveness of the work allegedly eg teacher competence, achievement motivation, work environment, etc., (2) is necessary to research and development of techniques and supervision programs that can provide direct benefits to improving performance in school.

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